Sunday 3 September 2017

What's in Baby's Hospital Bag?

I cannot believe the time has come to pack the hospital bags, it's a little terrifying if I'm quite honest as it means we're getting closer and closer to the next chapter. I watched numerous youtube videos and read various blog posts before finally being able to make our trusty hospital bag list. I also found so much advice on the We Made A Baby blog which quickly became my life saver so here is exactly what we've packed inside Baby Spake's bag ready for him to enter the world.

While researching what to put inside the hospital bags, the one thing I kept coming across was how it was all about the mother to be and not so much baby. Obviously mother to be is super important but I wanted to know the number of nappies we would need or how many vests is too many. I had so many questions, most of which were probably irrelevant but I'm a first time mum so I'm allowed. We decided to use our Babymel Robyn Changing Bag for baby and once I was eventually happy with our list, we filled it up between a couple of overwhelmed tears. 

So here is exactly what we've packed:

  • One pack of wet wipes
  • Small pack of cotton wool 
  • Baby brush and comb (I'm predicting lots of hair) 
  • Nappies x10 
  • Muslin square 
  • Vests (Newborn/0-1M) x4
  • Sleepsuits (Newborn/0-1M) x3
  • Scratch mittens 
  • Hats x2 
  • Blanket
  • Going home outfit
  • Cuddly Duck 
  • Socks & cardigan, just in case

Let me know if there is anything you may have packed, that we might really need. I've gone over our list so many times, I wouldn't be surprised if I've forgotten something really important. 

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