I've always been a shaving fan, it's quick, easy and faff free but when Philips contacted me about some of their top gifts for Christmas I thought now was as good a time as any to try something new. Arran and I have been trialling two of their shaving tools for the last month and today we're both sharing what we think on our blogs so make sure you have a nose at his review which I'll link at the end of this post.
After having a look at their Christmas gift guide I eventually settled on the Philips Satinelle Advanced Epilator as it included so many extras. This particular epilator can be used wet or dry for legs, body and face, plus it comes with a range of five accessories to get the best from your new shaving tool. There is a shaving head with a detachable trimming comb which delivers a close shave, a facial cap for removing unwanted facial hairs, a delicate area cap perfect for underarms and your bikini line and my favourite addition, a massage cap that eases epilation sensation.
I heard epilation is painful but when I opened the box I thought it doesn't really look that bad, oh how I was wrong. Thankfully the results make it worth that little bit of pain. The heads are made up of ceramic discs with micro ridge grab which grips the hairs while the design of the epilator makes it really easy to hold, especially if you're trying to get to hard to reach areas. It makes for an effortless experience with less missed hairs. There are two speed settings and it can be used for around forty minutes before needing a recharge which takes no time at all.
I've used this both ways and much prefer the dry setting. While in the bath one evening I decided to grab it to give it a try while I had wet and particularly hairy legs and it did not go down well. It really bloody hurt which Arran found highly entertaining. I managed half a leg before I gave up and finished off my de-fuzzing when my legs were dry. If you're used to using an epilator then this will not be a problem for you but as a newbie, I kinda wanted to cry.
Using the epilator dry still delivered results I was extremely happy with and my legs have stayed smoother for longer. I couldn't tell you why it hurts less dry than wet but that's the way I'm going to continue using it for a stress-free hair removal life.
Make sure you read Arran's post on the Philips One Blade.