Wednesday 20 May 2020

30 Thoughts I've had During Lockdown

I don't know about you but between not going out in weeks apart from shopping for essentials and avoiding everyone around us, lockdown has been interesting and I've had a lot of thoughts about it. It's been a weird ol' time really - we've gone from going to work, going shopping and going to bars when we want to working from home mostly, having to stay at home and not see our families. 

We're now coming towards the end of May, things still aren't looking that great in the UK and the country is a laughing stock to the rest of the world - it's been one hell of a ride so in light of this I've jotted down some thoughts, some funny, some serious but most of all just a little light hearted as we go through something quite awful.

  1. If I never hear the word unprecedented again it will be too soon. 
  2. The British really are the most selfish nation, aren't they?!
  3. HOW hard is it for people to understand the term stay at home
  4. Christ, people really do hate the self-employed, they know we pay tax too right?
  5. "I'm gonna make sourdough!" FUCK - it takes how long?!
  6. Is everyone on my Twitter on Only Fans now?
  7. Is Only Fans worth it?
  8. I've seen my Amazon driver more than my parents this year, I'll have to invite him to Christmas
  9. *peers out the window* Well they sure as fuck aren't from the same household! 
  10. I really should've cleaned my makeup brushes by now 
  11. Is Rishi Sunak sexy or have I been inside too long? 
  12. Definitely been inside too long.
  13. He looks a bit like Prince Charles, doesn't he?
  14. Are Cadbury's Giant Buttons an essential item?
  15. Am I wasting police time if I log an online form about my neighbour's BBQ?
  16. Looks like number 20 aren't clapping for the NHS any more. 
  17. Is a nice dress and red lipstick too much for the food shop?
  18. WHY is my food shop now double the cost it used to be *weeps*
  19. If our relationship survives lockdown, we'll survive anything
  20. Why are garden centres open?! Are you purposely trying to kill off everyone over 70?
  21. I really, really dislike Boris Johnson
  22. I'm genuinely embarrassed to be British right now 
  23. How much baking is too much baking? 
  24. Am I the only person that hasn't baked banana bread yet? 
  25. Still think we should've gone into full lockdown, this is never going to end 
  26. *unfollows everyone that praises how fast (LOL) Boris acted*
  27. I miss wasting money on shit, expensive takeaway coffee
  28. Can I eat cake for breakfast?
  29. I really miss my parents
  30. I'm so glad I have Arran and Joshua

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