Wednesday 4 October 2017

10 Things you have to do this Autumn!

It's October, my favourite month of the year and of course my favourite season which means I get to do a whole host of things again such as pumpkin picking and drowning in seasonally appropriate Starbucks drinks. So here are some things you should totally do this season...

Create an Autumn bucket list! I did this last year and managed to cross everything off my list too! I haven't planned one this year with a little one but here is last years - My Autumn Bucket List.

Go shopping! Whether it's for clothes, boots or accessories, go and treat yourself to something that will become your staple piece this Autumn. Mines a black, floppy hat.

Whatever your poison, chai or pumpkin spice make sure you Instagram the hell out of it before the festive drinks come knocking.

Collect fir cones, conkers and whatever else seemingly Autumnal and make sure you jump in that huge pile of leaves while you do it.

Hocus Pocus. 'Nuff said.

Treat yourself to some Krispy Kreme Halloween doughnuts. We do this every year usually on Halloween before joining a ghost hunt.

Autumn candles. The place to go for all things Autumn inspired is Homesense as they have so many incredible Autumn candles from the states in stock minus the customs charge! I'm burning White Pumpkin at the moment. 

If you don't raid the Lush Halloween collection do you even like baths? Lord of Misrule is my favourite scent everrrrr and instantly gets me in the mood for those crisp nights. 

Find a new boxset to watch, pull those curtains closed, flick on some fairy lights and light a candle. I can guarantee it'll be the best evening ever.

Remember to get outside. Autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons with some many colours to see. Walk through your nearest park, go and explore a forest and just remember to always look around. You never know what you might find. 

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