Friday 10 November 2017

The Mother Box

Becoming a mother is many things, amazing, incredible, overwhelming and scary. Life changes in an instance and you forget about yourself very quickly once you have a tiny human needing all your attention. The Mother Box is a pregnancy and birth care box designed by a midwife and a doula to remind you that, you're just as important and need some tender and loving care too. 

I was sent The Mother Box just after the birth of Joshua and due to those pesky hormones, I had a little cry opening it and looking through because the box is so thoughtfully put together. Giving birth is one of life's miracles and I can't quite explain just how incredible the human body is. To be able to do what it does to deliver your baby safely takes a lot of work but you forget the recovery your body needs afterwards which is why this box has been perfect for me or any new mum for that matter. 

There are a range of boxes available for the mum to be or mum in your life and they would make such a lovely gift. Co-founders, Alexis & Beccy have a combined 25 years experience working with women during pregnancy, birth and postnatal so each box is packed full of information and top tips that are actually of use. It also allowed me to trust the products I found inside the box more because it had been so carefully selected by professionals.

The Brand New Mother Box Contains:
  • Brand New Mother Booklet full of information and advice 
  • Postpartum Healing Bath Salts from the New Moon Tea Co
  • Nip and Lip Soothing Balm from Bloom and Blossom
  • Pack of "Yesmum" cards with positive quotes for those harder days
  • Relax & Renew Herbal Tea from The New Moon Co
  • Fillable tea sachets
  • A large Lactation Flapjack made with traditional ingredients from Flajackery
  • Soothing ‘Hello Calm’ Moroccan Rose candle from Seven Seventeen 

The box is beautifully put together and it is something I've really treasured the last week, I desperately needed a pick me up after being so unwell after Joshua's birth and this couldn't have been any more perfect for me. You can find more information on the boxes via

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