Sunday 18 April 2021

6 Things you need to know about Princess Cruises' OceanMedallion™

With the announcement of Princess Cruises' all-new Seacations things are about to get super exciting and ya know what? We NEEDED some good cruise news to look forward to. It has been a long ol' year without some of our favourite ships gracing the shores of Southampton so I can't wait to see the new season of ships sail in, although it'll be very different from what we're used to when it starts up again. 

When it comes to technology at sea, Princess Cruises have been leading the way and it seems like so long ago since I stepped aboard Crown Princess in 2019 to learn all about their innovative new way to cruise. 

So with us being just mere weeks away from cruising again and the exciting news that both Regal Princess and Sky Princess will be completely touchless experiences it was time we had a run-through about what you can expect this summer. 

OceanMedallion aims to provide a perfectly seamless guest experience from checking in right through to ordering your drinks or making tailor-made suggestions based on your likes so you can enjoy your cruise to its maximum. The medallion is what will replace a traditional cruise card and it works in a variety of ways - it's really quite impressive! 

The medallion is your room key, it also acts as your identity while on the ship using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi interactivity, alongside a phone-based app. It stores all your preferences meaning staff are able to tailor suggestions based on your likes and dislikes as well as have important information for things such as allergies. You can also use it to pay for items on board, and excitingly it allows a seamless and paperwork-free embarkation process which is perfect for these uncertain times we're experiencing. 

So here are six things you need to know about OceanMedallion™ before you set sail

It's time to be Truly Touchless! 
Embarkation day has been transformed meaning less contact, fewer crowds, and a much more streamlined arrival and check-in. All guests will be required to be OceanReady before leaving home and they'll be able to use the MedallionClass app to upload travel documents and health questionnaires in advance. This also means you'll be able to provide emergency information, your choice of payment and a security image ready to pick up upon arrival - it is so simple to do! 

Don't forget your Muster Drill!
Probably the most important thing you should be doing after boarding is associating yourself with your safety information and this new approach means you can watch important safety videos on your mobile device anytime on embarkation day or from the comfort of your cabin. You'll also be able to verify your designated muster station with super quick, contactless check-in at your own convenience anytime between boarding and sail away.

Forever losing your cruise card?
I'm sure everyone has been there at least once, trying to get into your cabin and realising your card is nowhere to be seen! Thankfully with Princess Cruises that is no longer a worry with their keyless stateroom entry system! Your access to your stateroom will now be a completely keyless experience as each guest will be securely validated so as you approach the door, it automatically unlocks. The traditional do not disturb sign will also become a thing of the past as this feature will now be integrated via the personalised portal outside each cabin.

Shopping, food & drinks made even easier!
With MedallionPay, your entire cruise will be transformed as cash and credit cards become a thing of the past. This all-new payment system allows you to purchase anything on the ship such as food, drinks, merchandise, and even excursions. Plus, the way the Medallion associates the guest's photo with their location means the crew can match purchases to the guest without cash handovers or swiping of a card safely. Gone are the days of checking your back pocket for your card so you can pay when you have your Medallion ready to go. 

Unbeatable service? Hello OceanNow™ Service On-Demand
For a lot of people, the food and service are high up on the list when it comes to reasons to cruise and with OceanNow it is once again, completely transformed. Using your Medallion and enabled app means that guests can place orders wherever they are and have them delivered directly to their location. Enjoying a spectacular sunset and don't want to miss it? No problem - guests can place orders using their smart device, stateroom TV, or directly with a crew member ensuring exceptional service at all times. 

The location-based capabilities of the Medallion allow Princess to completely reinvent onboard guest service - it's convenient and most importantly personalised to you. 

The experiences just get better & better!
OceanMedallion isn't just about making check-in easier or ordering food whenever - there is so much more you can do via the MedallionClass App. Throughout your stay on Medallion enabled ships, you'll be able to use it to easily locate your family or friends, chat and make plans together or just check where your older children may be. If you want to check your ship's events schedule during your stay and reserve activities you'll be able to do just that all while personalising it to you! It is your cruise after all!

Finally, if you want to have a bit more fun PlayOcean puts this in the palm of your hand with interactive trivia, a ship-wide bar adventure, and more! You can even customise your avatars.

Doesn't it feel great to get excited about cruising again? 

Personally, I'd be chomping at the bit to get on a Princess Cruise this year, Sky Princess has been calling my name ever since those first press photos were released - one day though! I have a little while longer before I can get vaccinated. 

You can head directly to Princess Cruises to see exactly what is on offer as part of their Summer Seacation Cruises this year or you can book for 2022 onwards - there are some really fabulous itineraries available. 

Where would you be cruising if you could? Have you tried Princess Cruises before?

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