Summer has well and truly sprung with gorgeous blue skies, temperatures in the mid-twenties and plenty of fun in the sun to be had. July felt like such a big month for us - our son finished preschool for the last time, our daughter's first birthday was fast approaching, and there were job and some life changes too.
I felt a lot of pressure to make this summer the best yet, especially with the four-year-old starting school in September and while we had day outs we mostly stayed home with plenty of picnics, play trips and paddling pool days to fill our time.
Here's an insight into our July - there's been fun, family and friends plus plenty of memories made.
Summer fun with the little ones
Mid july saw the four year old break up for summer, I think he finished two weeks before everyone else so we've had a long eight week summer with him at home. It has been great in parts, stressful in others but we've just enjoyed each other. I still can't believe my little lad is off to school in September.
Annual strawberry picking
I say annual, we hadn't been strawberry picking since 2019 because of the pandemic and it was so lovely to get to go with both little ones this time (even if the eldest was a grump the whole time)! I think the hardest part about strawberry picking is making sure they don't eat them all before you've washed them - I have two little strawberry fiends.
Summer sun
I suppose the best thing about July has been the weather - although the grass is drier than I've ever seen it before. I'm so glad we upgraded our paddling pool last year as it has had a lot of use over the last few weeks. It has been so lovely splashing around with both the bambinos - E likes it for a little while then wants to get out but J would spend all day in the pool if he could. We've made some wonderful memories.
Good Food
There has been a LOT of good food over the last month especially as a number of new places in Southampton have opened up - there's been the opportunity for lots of review visits. Bills summer menu was a big highlight, colourful and full of flavour.
Fun with friends
July has been THE month for all the social activities - there's been bottomless brunches, cocktail evenings, dinners out and a spa weekend. I feel as though I have really found my tribe this year and I have some really wonderful women in my life now, I'm very lucky.
Tell me about your month - what have you been up to?