Sunday 23 January 2022

4 Ways to add a positive twist on your year

This is a paid partnership with Notino - see disclaimer.

I mentioned in a previous post how the intensity of new year, new me each January can make me feel quite overwhelmed and so this year I'm doing things my own way by choosing a word for the year instead. I thought choosing a word and bringing more positive affirmations into my life was more constructive than setting resolutions that would no doubt crumble by week three and so 2022 for me is about faith and positivity. 

Having faith can apply to so many things - faith in life, faith in things I can't control especially after a tough 2021 where so much of what was happening in our lives needed faith as we couldn't change anything. 

If you're not sure where you start much like I was then don’t worry - here are some ways to add a positive twist to your year.

First things first... 
The one thing that really sets me up for the day and in turn the weeks and year ahead is nailing my beauty routine. It's something that is really important to me especially if things around me aren't going quite right then I can always count on being able to control my skincare and the beauty products I'm using. Cleansers, serums, eye creams are all items I wouldn't be without and with things like the Notino discount code it makes shopping those items even easier. 

Clean & declutter your space
I find cleaning quite therapeutic so giving everything a good scrub really helps set my mind straight and this time of year is the perfect time to declutter. I've started room by room and I'm currently making sure all my makeup is clean, the expired products have been disposed of and I've rotated some of the products I use. Next is organising things to sell, things to give to charity and things I need to mend. If my surroundings are clean, bright and airy then so is my mind.

Feed the soul 
I know when I eat well, I feel well and if there's anything that is going to put a positive spring in my step it's feeding my soul with goodness. I had a baby five months ago so since then I've been making sure I'm drinking plenty of water and taking vitamins but with late night feeds and broken nights I don't always grab the right food options which has an effect on the way I feel. In recent weeks I've changed that with plenty of greens, fruit and lots of what I love but in better quantities - slow and steady but with more energy I already feel better for it. 

Get outside 
This one kinda links in with feeding the soul. You can feed your soul in so many different ways when looking for a positive twist and getting outside is one that is so beneficial. Exercise comes in such a variaty of forms, personally I love nothing more than a long walk or an intense yoga session especially outside. Are there times I really don't want to? Absolutely but I know as soon as I do I'll feel so much better for it. Moving more benefits me in so many ways. 

How do you inject positivity and faith into your life? I'd love to know!

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