Friday 7 April 2017

Hello Little One!

This week we finally announced we are expecting our own little bundle, due October 2017. It has quite possibly been the hardest secret we have ever had to keep and at least you all know now why I've been moaning about how ill I've been on Instagram. I couldn't not put a little post up...

We found out we were expecting back in February so for us, it has been the longest time especially as it didn't start out very nice at first as there was a risk it was ectopic. I had to spend a few days in hospital while they waited to scan and it was so horrible. Thankfully it wasn't ectopic and we were left to get our heads around the new little life that we would be bringing into our world, a little different from the kitten we were planning on getting. HA. 

Having previously suffered a miscarriage two years ago, waiting for the twelve week scan felt like an eternity. We had had a viability scan at six weeks under the Early Pregnancy Unit where we saw our little bean and a heartbeat but that didn't stop me thinking my body was going to completely let me down. The relief of seeing a baby at the dating scan was something that I can't even describe. 

We were both so overwhelmed with love from all the messages of congratulations across Twitter and Instagram, it was unbelievable to see just how many of you cared. We spent the whole day in our little bubble feeling very loved and thankful, well after we bought our first baby grow!

I will be sharing snippets of my pregnancy because I want to have a record of it just like I do with our wedding planning which is unsurprisingly on hold at the moment but don't think I'm going to go baby mad all of a sudden, my one true love will always be beauty on this blog so I really hope you stick around. 

If anything, it's about to get a whole lot more exciting! 

Thank you again for all your warm wishes, each message really did mean the world to us both.

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