Wednesday 10 April 2019

The Best Grahams Natural Products for Any Skin Condition

We’ve talked before about the importance of a good skincare routine, even if you only have a few minutes each day to devote to it. As you age, your routine might start to look different depending on your needs, or if you develop any skin conditions. 

That's why I’m excited about Grahams Natural products. They’ve been around for quite some time, but having just been introduced into Boots stores, Grahams Natural products are more readily available to people throughout the UK. 

As you might expect, the greatest draw to these skincare products is that they’re all-natural. You don’t have to worry about what potentially-harmful chemicals you’re putting on your skin. They even have a skincare line for kids that you can feel good about!

The difference between Grahams Natural and many other skincare lines is that they focus specifically on treating different skin conditions. Let’s take a look at how these products can work for you if you’ve been struggling with skin issues your whole life, or just recently. 

Eczema Relief
It's estimated that up to 15 million people in the UK have some form of eczema. Some of the most common symptoms are: 

Dry, itchy skin
Areas of swelling
Dark-colored patches

While there is no cure for eczema, Grahams Natural products are used to manage flare-ups and keep symptoms at bay. They are meant to hydrate the skin, bring down inflammation, and treat any underlying infections that could be causing your symptoms to be worse. As you know if you do have eczema, it can be irritating and even painful. Finding a product that can soothe that pain and burning can make a big difference!

Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis affects about 3% of the population worldwide. It’s not contagious from person-to-person and usually doesn’t leave any kind of scarring. But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a painful and embarrassing skin condition to deal with. 

Psoriasis typically causes patches or lesions on the skin that are often inflamed, red, and itchy. Like eczema, there is no cure for psoriasis. But, there are ways to manage your symptoms. 

The Grahams Natural psoriasis cream helps your skin to retain more moisture and essentially ‘normalises’ it. As a result, you’ll be less likely to want to itch at it, and it won’t become as inflamed. The cream itself can be used on its own but the company encourages using an oral medication as well (as prescribed by your doctor), since some people with psoriasis have a hard time with skin absorption. 

These are just a couple of the most popular skincare products offered by Grahams Natural. The also offer products meant for people with rosacea, everyday acne, and even those with diabetes who have to deal with skin cracking, and a greater risk of calluses and other foot issues.

If you’ve been struggling with a skin condition for a while but you don’t want to deal with harmful chemicals or ingredients you can’t pronounce, their line of products can be a welcomed breath of fresh air when it comes to managing your symptoms and finding some relief!

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