Monday 17 August 2015

The August Southampton Bloggers Event

This week is the start of a post from me every day showing you all inside the Southampton Blog Event from the venue, Revolutions Southampton to the Goody Bags, Raffle and of course a photo reel of all the beautiful ladies and (one) male who came to the event. Southampton Bloggers as we're known was set up by myself and Amy after a lack of blog events in Southampton.

The majority of events were taking place in London and you'd only hear about them last minute so we took it upon ourselves to start something of our own, something that over the last year has become bigger than we thought it would.

There is an incredible amount of bloggers along the South Coast, more so than we realised but every week more come across @sotonbloggers on Twitter and introduce themselves. We love that we are able to put on these free events for you all. Yes, a lot of stress, emails and organisation goes into them but seeing everyone on the day enjoying themselves, swapping blog details and enjoying a cocktail makes it all worth it. There are some downsides to these events but the positives out weigh them but I'll leave the negative points for another post though.

Tomorrow will feature a post on our venue, Revolutions where we had the fabulous Nina and Caroline help in the lead up to the event and on the day itself. I cannot thank them enough as they definitely took off some of the stress in the morning. I hope you enjoy these posts, maybe they'll inspire you to host your own event one day. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments as we're growing Southampton Bloggers bit by bit so any feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy this week of posts!

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