Friday 12 December 2014

Stop Asking Me to Work for Free

I'm not one for negativity and rant posts on Annie Writes Beauty. I like to keep it a place where I ramble about beauty and generally keep it happy. There's the odd bad review but that's about it. I mentioned in a tweet that I felt like I needed a rant after a couple of emails I had received in the last week. One of which prompted this post.

I started this blog eleven months ago because I needed a hobby. My boyfriend use to work evenings and most weekends, our flat got lonely sometimes so I finally bit the bullet and started my own blog. I had read blogs on and off for years and always looked to them in regards to a new product rather than a big advertising campaign. When starting Annie Writes Beauty I did it for me, if someone else liked it then that was great but it was my creative outlet. 

You always read about new bloggers starting out for the "free shit", now I didn't realise this "free shit" was even a thing until a month or so into blogging. I didn't realise so many companies and prs would look to bloggers for exposure for their products. Over the last year I have worked with some brands that I love and I'm so grateful for that as I continue to work with them. The prs I talk to regularly are also super lovely and I appreciate that so much. It's like chatting to your friends most of the time about new releases and make up. 

What I don't appreciate is people who treat you like you're worth nothing. I don't have a massive following nor do I think I should be handed every opportunity but I do think each and every blogger deserves respect, after all our blogs are our babies. I was recently contacted by a well known brand who doesn't exactly need the extra publicity what with Cheryl Fernandez-Versini and Rita Ora loving and wearing their pieces. 

After being told they would send me some images for the post it was pretty obvious they wanted me to do this post having never used the brand let alone seen any of their products in person. I post honest reviews on here, if I don't like a product, I will say so, so there was no way on earth I was going to post about a brand for the sake of it. I was also told the budget had run short so I wasn't to expect payment for it but if I was ever in the area then I could pop in for a quick viewing of the products. I politely declined.

I felt I was worth more than that. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you reading this would of jumped at the chance... I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that we are all worth something. I think it's unfair for people to take advantage of others which is what this was in my eyes. And as I said to the pr in question, I doubt she was working for free.

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